Monday, November 18, 2013

Healthy Food Options for the Holidays

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching and Christmas right around the corner, the temptation to give in to the holiday splendor is overwhelming. Here are a few recipes that will keep grain and sugar off of your table this holiday season.

I've been compiling a list of recipes to try over the holidays. This will be my first holiday season going both grain & sugar-free, so I wanted to be prepared.

Keep sugar and grain off your table
this holiday season
Whether you're going home or staying in the dorms, these are a few recipes that you should try.

I haven't personally tried all of these recipes yet, so if you prepare one please share your feedback below!

Paleo Gravy
This recipe is grain-free, sugar-free and paleo approved.

Sugar-free Cranberry Sauce
A sugar-free sauce that is meant to be prepared in a slow cooker. 

Potato and Celery Root Puree
A variation on traditional mashed potatoes. 

Baked Apples
Apple pie minus the crust! 

Chai Tea
Cozy up with the taste of Indian spices. 

Turkey Tip

My aunt called the company of the turkey we were having for Thanksgiving and found out that the company injects gluten into the meat before it is packaged for purchase. Just keep this in mind before you dig in...

If you are sensitive to grain, look for meat that is either wild or grass-fed. Although "grass-fed" does not always mean that the animals have not been fed grain, it does mean that the majority of its food has come from grass. This is a healthier alternative to hormone and antibiotic latent meat from the grocery store.

If you'll be staying in NYC for the holidays, Fleisher's Grass-Fed and Organic Meats in Brooklyn, NY is selling pastured-raised turkeys for Thanksgiving. Click here to order your turkey!

If you know of a good source of pastured meat in your hometown, please share below!

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