Wednesday, February 12, 2014

5 Not-so-Guilty Culinary Pleasures

Whether you're sharing a romantic night with your significant other or watching The Notebook alone, your Valentine's Day will be better with dessert. Here are a few of my favorite not-so-guilty pleasures that will trick your taste buds into thinking you're eating something unhealthy.

Coconut Ice Cream 

Ice cream may be the ultimate dessert. Unfortunately, that undisputed fact does not change even though you go on a healthy diet. Well, there's good news. This coconut ice cream is Paleo approved and is sugar free. Proving itself to be a completely versatile dessert, this ice cream is perfect to share with your significant other or even to cry over as you suddenly realize that you're completely alone. Recipe courtesy of Nourishing Traditions (and tweaked by moi). 

Make it Yourself

   3 egg yolks
1/2 cup raw honey
3 cups coconut milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon arrowroot powder

Combine ingredients and chill contents in the refrigerator for about an hour. Churn mixture in an ice cream maker or place ingredients in the freezer until solidified and then soften in a blender before serving.

Buy it In-Store

Too busy? Buy coconut milk ice cream at the grocery store! Coconut Bliss is one company that makes a variety of flavors all made from coconut milk. Warning-they sweeten with agave nectar.

Too-Chocolaty Black Bean Brownies

Chocolate is commonly referred to as an aphrodisiac, which means that these too-chocolaty brownies should keep the love stirring for awhile. As a side note-these brownies are  best eaten out of the refrigerator. The texture sets up nicely in the cold and makes them almost identical to a Little Debbie's Brownie. Recipe courtesy of My Whole Food Life.

Make it Yourself

2 cups black beans, cooked (sprout them for ultimate digestion)
2 cups chocolate chips (Enjoy Life Gluten Free Chips)
1/2 cup applesauce
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 teaspoon salt

Blend ingredients together in a food processor and back in a 8x8 pan for 35-40 minutes

Orange Julius

What's the next best thing to strawberries and cream? Well, orange and cream , of course! A classic flavor for a classic couple or a classy single. Find the recipe here along with four other tasty juice concoctions.

Chia Seed Tapioca Vanilla Pudding

This recipe isn't just a dessert, it's packed with nutrients! Once an ancient Aztec Warrior secret, chia seeds are a complete digestible protein as well as a great source of Omega-3. This pudding immediately fuels you up with sustainable energy. Great for a long day ahead or even an anticipated long night out with your lover or single girlfriends. Recipe courtesy of Choosing Raw.

Make it Yourself

3/4 cup chia seeds
4 cups almond or coconut milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons honey

Mix ingredients together and let sit for at least an hour

Buy it In-Store

Juice Generation makes a chia seed tapioca vanilla pudding that's prepackaged in the refrigerator section. A great snack on-the-go.

Super Satisfying Sweet Potato Fries

After living in Memphis, TN for almost five years, I learned in a hurry that there's nothing like a good batch of sweet potato fries. These are bound to satisfy even the most unrefined taste buds. Recipe courtesy of Paula Deen.

Make it Yourself

5 medium sweet potatoes cut in to 1/4 inch slices
1 tablespoon house seasoning (1 cup salt, 1/4 cup black pepper, 1/4 cup garlic powder)
1/2 teaspoon paprika

Saturate in olive oil and combine with seasoning. Bake at 450 degrees for about 20 minutes

Enjoy your Valentine's Day and, as always, let us know how these recipes turned out!

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