Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Favorite Quick & Easy Gluten Free Snacks

I'm a snacker. Don't get me wrong, I can usually out eat my dad at any meal, but I love food so much that I prefer to have a continual supply of it throughout the day.

Try these delicious alternatives...

Here are a few of my favorite snacks that are gluten free, grain free and sugar-free:

Apples and Peanut Butter                                                                
If you're feeling deprived, grab an apple and a jar of crunchy, Once Again peanut butter. It's almost like eating a caramel apple, except without that horrible feeling afterwards.

Pecans and Raisins                                                                            
The perfect combo of something fatty and something sweet. Easy to transport and eat on-the-go!

Raspberry, Peach, Green Veggie, Coconut Milk Smoothie          
This coconut shake will bring EVERYONE to the yard, not just the boys. Just place a cup of fruit, a handful of frozen green vegetables and cover with lite coconut milk in a blender. Add a dash of stevia and you're good to go. For some protein, add one egg to the mixture and take in the goodness. You won't even know the vegetables are in there, trust me!

Paleo Granola Bars                                                                           
These are borderline sinful. Just be careful because it's easy to eat the entire batch in one sitting! Find the complete recipe here.

Sliced Strawberries with Stevia
These are downright delightful! For best results, let the strawberries sit awhile in the stevia powder. Caution, it may taste like dessert. 

Have any other quick and easy snack ideas? I would love to hear about them, below.

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